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  • Load Cells Submersible-Type
Load Cells Submersible-Type

Load Cells Submersible-Type

 Gutton Load Cells— Submersible-Type
For those concerned with reducing the effects of hysteresis on testing results, Humboldt offers these submersible load cells, which are designed to work within the triaxial cell. Positioning the load cell within the triaxial cell eliminates the possible drag effect introduced by using a plunger between the sample and an externally-mounted load cell.

Performance Specifications:
Overload Capacity: 200%
Excitation Voltage: 10 VDC, Maximum
Non-linearity: ±0.05% Full Scale Output
Hysteresis: 0.05% Full Scale Output
Diameter: 75mm
Cable Length: 2m
Height Excluding Ram: 50mm
